Clinical Pharmacology

Disclaimer: This guide is for informational purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional. May contain affiliate links. Product photos/descriptions provided by company websites. This is not medical advice.

What is that? Clinical pharmacology is the science of drugs and their clinical use. Typically Section 12.1, Mechanism of Action refers to the specific biochemical interaction through which a drug substance produces its pharmacological effect. This section will also include the minimum protective level designated for a certain disease.

For antimicrobial medicines, microbiology information including information on resistance, interaction with other antimicrobials, antimicrobial activity, and susceptibility testing are listed in this section.

As an example, let’s look at the mechanism of action for the DTAP vaccine:

Each section details the levels that are generally regarded as protective. Unfortunately, the manufacturer states in this section that the role of immunity to Pertussis is not clearly defined. Therefore it is unknown if this product will provide protection.

Here is another example from Lupron’s manufacturer insert:

If these sections seem too overwhelming, take breaks! Just like the adverse reaction section, give yourself permission to learn what the words mean. Take it word by word, then sentence by sentence. If Lupron was recommended by your healthcare provider, research “gonadotropin secretion” and its role in the human body. Use this section as a launch point for your research to truly understand how the product works in your body.

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