Disclaimer: This guide is for informational purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional. May contain affiliate links. Product photos/descriptions provided by company websites. This is not medical advice.
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Still have questions? Here are answers to frequently asked questions:
What can I do if my child’s other parent wants to make a different decision concerning vaccination? This is an extremely hard position to be in especially if you are separated or divorced. If you have a positive relationship with them, my best advice is to ask them to complete the fear exercise with you. Then to the best of your ability research both of your fears together.
If the relationship is not positive, I would recommend seeking legal counsel that understands your State’s vaccine exemption laws. This is not legal advice.
Are there side effects if I stop vaccinating mid-series? You will not incur additional vaccine adverse reactions by stopping a vaccination series mid-way.
For example, if your healthcare provider recommends three doses of DTAP before your child is one years old and your child develops a contraindication or you decide to decline future doses, your child is not at risk for additional vaccine adverse reactions by not vaccinating again.
Didn’t vaccines cause diseases to decline? Take some time to read through the history of diseases. Here are a few examples:
How are diseases treated today? Unfortunately, due to vaccine shedding, we now contend with either just the vaccine strain of a disease-causing virus or both the vaccine and wild strain (again, read about Polio here). If you are paralyzed by fear of a certain disease, take the time to understand its transmission, symptoms, complications, and treatment.
Also understand the limitations of vaccine effectiveness. When I first started researching, I feared meningitis. Then I learned more about it (click here, then here). Be educated + Be empowered.
Why are there vaccines only for some diseases? That’s a great question. There isn’t a lot of clarity on why manufacturers decide to create vaccines for some diseases and not others.
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD), for example, is a common childhood illness yet there isn’t a vaccine to prevent it. If you read the CDC profile on HFM, it is similar to other childhood illnesses in how it spreads, symptoms, and treatment yet there aren’t the same protocols as with other diseases that have vaccines.
However, manufacturers are currently creating vaccines for all diseases with the new mRNA technology. I personally believe we will see many more vaccines on the market in the next decade.
How do you detox from pharmaceuticals? This is an extremely complicated question that heavily depends upon which (and how many) pharmaceuticals you have accepted as well as your current overall health status. I highly recommend working with an experienced healthcare professional if you’d like to detox. If you’d like to learn more about potential detox support, go through my “Detox” highlight on Instagram.
Should I vaccinate my children? Only you have the responsibility and authority to make your own medical decisions for yourself and your family. I will not make medical decisions for you. I will not answer questions such as “what do you think I should do” because you are the only person that can make that decision for yourself. My only goal is to make sure you are informed of what the manufacturer states about their own products. Be educated + Be empowered.
How did Just the Inserts start? Created in late 2020, Just the Inserts began as an Instagram account to meet the need of patients + parents looking for .gov information about pharmaceutical products. Thankfully, justtheinserts.com was developed prior to Instagram deleting the Just the Inserts profile in Sep 2021. Eight months after being silenced by Instagram, Just the Inserts was able to rejoin Instagram.
Who runs this account? Just the Inserts is founded + operated by one individual living in the United States. You can read more about the founder here.
Why didn’t you reveal your identity for four years? Unfortunately, in the height of the 2020-2021 distress, I received death threats for myself and my family. Because of this, I decided to remain anonymous. I’ve found that by remaining anonymous, it is also harder for those critiquing my research to commit ad hominem and tu quoque logical fallacies. Nothing about my identity will detract from the words written on manufacturer inserts. Who I am or what I do or how many children I have will not change what the CDC + FDA say about pharmaceutical products.
Why are you doing this? My goal will always be informed consent for all. No matter your background. No matter your education level. No matter what medical product you are researching, you deserve to know what manufacturers say about their own products. I’m doing this because it’s the exact thing I wish existed when I was first researching.
When I first started researching vaccines in mid-2019, I felt both sides of the discussion were emotionally-charged and engaged in fear-based tactics. It turned me off to the topic and made me want to shut it all out. Just the Inserts is the answer to my need from a few years ago. I have spent thousands of hours (not an exaggeration) reading manufacturer inserts and searching .gov databases. My goal is to streamline your research. However, I do not want to replace your research. This is why I cite everything I share so you can do your own research and read everything yourself.
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What are your qualifications? As I’ve stated many times on my social media accounts, I am not a medical professional. I do not have any professional medical training. And you don’t need it to gain informed consent. Everyone deserves to read manufacturer inserts. By law, they are created for you to read to be fully informed on recommended medical products.
Furthermore, I am grateful to be outside the medical community. Unfortunately, medical professionals that defend informed consent can be viciously attacked. Their livelihoods are threatened and sometimes their own lives. I do not have a medical license to lose. I do not have a medical practice that provides income for my family that could be in jeopardy. I do not have an employer that can be contacted by mobs of emotionally-charged individuals demanding my termination. It has freed me to share manufacturer inserts and government data without reservation.
Still not satisfied? I have many certifications/qualifications, however they are not medical related. My expertise resides in business, finance, government intelligence, and kinesiology. However, I did not start researching medical products until I was expecting my first child. Amazingly, many medical professionals have told me the same thing. They didn’t read manufacturer inserts until they were about to become parents.
That being said, you do not need higher education to read manufacturer inserts. Anyone can read them and hopefully this training has equipped you to understand them better.
Do you make money off this website? When I first created this website, I did not understand the magnitude of initial and recurring website fees. I personally covered all fees for the first year, however due to the amount of website traffic, I created a donation option for those that wanted to contribute. I am not the type of person to ask for help. This is why I designed apparel and high-quality pdfs to sell at a small profit.
However, manufacturing and website fees creeped higher than I was willing to charge people. The website renewal fee was too high for my personal finances which is why I created a call-to-action mid-2022 for donations. The website fee was covered by this community within a few hours! I still didn’t like asking for donations. After brainstorming options on Instagram, I decided to create a Holiday Gift Guide in late 2022. Due to affiliate links, I am now able to cover all website fees without the need for donations! It was the perfect answer. See “why do you share alternatives now?” below for more details.
Why do you share alternatives now? For two years, I received countless emails and direct messages from people looking for alternatives to commonly recommended pharmaceutical products. Because I didn’t want to seem biased, I ignored every message.
Finally, after being deleted by Instagram and eventually getting my profile back eight months later, I decided to break my silence and share the products that I know + love. This is why I created the Holiday Gift Guide in late 2022 and now create seasonal product guides! Too many great products are left unknown because they do not have the marketing budgets of products in big box stores. As many of us know, the toxins in most products contribute to poor health, which is why I also share non-toxic alternatives as general health improvement.
To keep things organized, I now have two Instagram profiles. Just the Inserts for manufacturer inserts and Just the Alternatives for alternatives to inserts I cover on Just the Inserts. My second account is a source for those researching all their options. As stated earlier, website fees continue to grow which is why I decided not to create a separate website. All alternatives can be found here.
Are you or your children vaccine injured? I am fairly certain I am vaccine injured from mandatory vaccinations while I was active duty military. However, I received many pharmaceuticals during that time and my medical records were lost almost every move. Because of this, I’m not able to truly identify if my health issues stem from a vaccine or anything else I was prescribed.
My children have not received vaccines, however my first born was injured by the Vitamin K injection.
I refrained from sharing my family’s personal vaccination decision for a long time because 1) they are private medical decisions that you do not need to reveal if you don’t want to and 2) I didn’t want my personal medical decisions to influence you. Everyone is welcome here whether you accept, delay, or decline any or all medical products.
Personally, I am risk-averse. I tend to shy away from products that introduce extra risk, which is why we decided not to vaccinate our children. If this statement is confusing or stirs an emotional response within you, be sure to go back and read through these sections: Postmarketing Adverse Reactions, Nonclinical Toxicology, Ingredients, Manufacturer Liability, Limitations of Vaccine Effectiveness, and Underreported Reactions.
After reading through the above sections, you’ll understand why risk-averse individuals would decline that group of medical products. Still confused? Per manufacturers, vaccines may not protect everyone that gets vaccinated. This means that not only am I risking all the known (and unknown) adverse reactions to the vaccine, but also the disease I’m trying to prevent. That is personally too much risk for my personal situation. Again, we are all diverse and have diverse medical needs! I am pro-informed consent and support your decision to make educated + empowered medical decisions for you and your family.
How do you create your Instagram posts? I just showed you. This entire training course is how I research for everything I post on social media and this website. I copy and paste straight from the inserts or .gov websites. That’s my source. That’s where I get all my information.
In terms of how I design my posts, I taught myself how to use a few graphic design services and use them to create all my content.
Are you biased? If you’ve followed me on social media for very long, you know I have strong thoughts about bias. I personally believe it’s impossible to be unbiased. It’s an extremely subjective term with different standards for different people.
For example, even in the posts where I have zero added text, I receive heated messages from people mad that I bolded certain reactions or underlined segments of the inserts. Some people want just screenshots of the inserts which I’ve gently suggested they just go straight to the inserts. If you see bolding or underlining, it’s because I have received messages asking about that reaction or know it’s a section of the insert that is widely picked over by the medical community.
This is why I have never claimed to be unbiased. I don’t think anyone or any organization is unbiased. As humans, we naturally have bias. Everyone is selling something whether it’s a product, a cause, or a lifestyle. For me, I’m “selling” informed consent. I’m selling educated + empowered patients and parents. That’s my goal.
Still have questions? My new book Well Considered: A Handbook for Making Informed Medical Decision goes much more in depth! Click here to order (ebook, paperback, and hardbook available).
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Everyone is welcome here—whether you accept, delay, or decline any or all medical products.