Disclaimer: This guide is for informational purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional. May contain affiliate links. Product photos/descriptions provided by company websites. This is not medical advice.

What causes it?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopment disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.1 In addition to inherited risk, toxins, diet, low birth weight, prematurity, prenatal exposure to alcohol and smoking, and adverse social/family environments may contribute to ADHD in a child.2

Specific environmental exposures that seem to have relevance to the ADHD phenotype include organic pollutants (eg, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs)) and lead. These may damage cognitive and neural systems known to be implicated in ADHD.

Adverse social and family environments such as low parental education, social class, poverty, bullying/peer victimisation, negative parenting, maltreatment and family discord are associated with ADHD.

National Institute of Health

What are the symptoms?

People with ADHD experience an ongoing pattern of the following types of symptoms:

  • Inattention means a person may have difficulty staying on task, sustaining focus, and staying organized, and these problems are not due to defiance or lack of comprehension.
  • Hyperactivity means a person may seem to move about constantly, including in situations when it is not appropriate, or excessively fidgets, taps, or talks. In adults, hyperactivity may mean extreme restlessness or talking too much.
  • Impulsivity means a person may act without thinking or have difficulty with self-control. Impulsivity could also include a desire for immediate rewards or the inability to delay gratification. An impulsive person may interrupt others or make important decisions without considering long-term consequences.1

Per the CDC, there are three types of ADHD: (1) Predominantly Inattentive Presentation, (2) Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation, and (3) Combined Presentation.


Since the cause of ADHD is hotly debated, prevention methods are equally debated. If you are pregnant, the best thing to do is refrain from smoking, heavy drinking, and being around toxic substances.


For a person to receive a diagnosis of ADHD, the symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity must be chronic or long-lasting, impair the person’s functioning, and cause the person to fall behind typical development for their age. Stress, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, and other physical conditions or illnesses can cause similar symptoms to those of ADHD. Therefore, a thorough evaluation is necessary to determine the cause of the symptoms.

Most children with ADHD receive a diagnosis during the elementary school years. For an adolescent or adult to receive a diagnosis of ADHD, the symptoms need to have been present before age 12.1


According to the NIH, “there is no convincing evidence yet that diet plays a major causal role in ADHD. However, a separate issue relates to using dietary change to modify symptoms.”

Staying Healthy

Per the CDC, here are some healthy behaviors that may help:

  • Developing healthy eating habits such as eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and choosing lean protein sources
  • Participating in daily physical activity based on age
  • Limiting the amount of daily screen time from TVs, computers, phones, and other electronics
  • Getting the recommended amount of sleep each night based on age3
Dietary Modifications

In addition to eating a balanced diet, research the following dietary modifications:

  • eliminate food additives such as artificial colors/flavors
  • reduce sugar intake (sugary snacks/soda)
  • increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids like EPA/DHA (found in salmon, sardines, flaxseeds, and walnuts)
  • prioritize regular meals especially breakfast
Mindfulness + Meditation

Focusing on the present moment might help self-regulation, stress reduction, and enhanced well-being. Mindfulness apps like Headspace, Calm, and Smiling Mind or using a mindfulness journal are good options.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular physical activity has been associated with improved attention and provides a positive outlet for excess energy. Sports, yoga, and martial arts are excellent options.

The FDA on ADHD Medications

Healthcare providers may also recommend medication, psychotherapy, education or training, or a combination of treatments to reduce symptoms.1 As always, be sure to read all manufacturer inserts of ADHD medication (Ritalin, Adderall, etc) prior to accepting.

“We know ADHD medications are being prescribed for younger children…” However, FDA-approved medications currently on the market have been tested for safety and effectiveness in clinical trials of children 6 and older. The FDA is now asking for clinical trials with participants of children as young as 4 and 5.4

For non-stimulant ADHD medications, here are the manufacturer inserts of Strattera (atomoxetine), Intuniv (guanfacine), and Kapvay (clonidine). Click here to learn how to read these inserts.

Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions

Behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that aims to help a person change their behavior. It might involve practical assistance, such as help organizing tasks or completing schoolwork, or working through emotionally difficult events. Behavioral therapy also teaches a person how to:

  • Monitor their own behavior
  • Give oneself praise or rewards for acting in a desired way, such as controlling anger or thinking before acting

Parents, teachers, and family members also can give feedback on certain behaviors and help establish clear rules, chore lists, and structured routines to help a person control their behavior. Therapists may also teach children social skills, such as how to wait their turn, share toys, ask for help, or respond to teasing. Learning to read facial expressions and the tone of voice in others, and how to respond appropriately can also be part of social skills training.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps a person learn how to be aware and accepting of one’s own thoughts and feelings to improve focus and concentration. The therapist also encourages the person with ADHD to adjust to the life changes that come with treatment, such as thinking before acting, or resisting the urge to take unnecessary risks.

Family and marital therapy can help family members and spouses find productive ways to handle disruptive behaviors, encourage behavior changes, and improve interactions with the person with ADHD.

Parenting skills training (behavioral parent management training) teaches parents skills for encouraging and rewarding positive behaviors in their children. Parents are taught to use a system of rewards and consequences to change a child’s behavior, to give immediate and positive feedback for behaviors they want to encourage, and to ignore or redirect behaviors they want to discourage.

Stress management techniques can benefit parents of children with ADHD by increasing their ability to deal with frustration so that they can respond calmly to their child’s behavior.

Tips to Help Kids and Adults with ADHD Stay Organized

For Kids | Parents and teachers can help kids with ADHD stay organized and follow directions with tools such as:

  • Keeping a routine and a schedule. Keep the same routine every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Include times for homework, outdoor play, and indoor activities. Keep the schedule on the refrigerator or a bulletin board. Write changes on the schedule as far in advance as possible.
  • Organizing everyday items. Have a place for everything, (such as clothing, backpacks, and toys), and keep everything in its place.
  • Using homework and notebook organizers. Use organizers for school material and supplies. Stress to your child the importance of writing down assignments and bringing home necessary books.
  • Being clear and consistent. Children with ADHD need consistent rules they can understand and follow.
  • Giving praise or rewards when rules are followed. Children with ADHD often receive and expect criticism. Look for good behavior and praise it.

For Adults | A professional counselor or therapist can help an adult with ADHD learn how to organize their life with tools such as:

  • Keeping routines.
  • Making lists for different tasks and activities.
  • Using a calendar for scheduling events.
  • Using reminder notes.
  • Assigning a special place for keys, bills, and paperwork.
  • Breaking down large tasks into more manageable, smaller steps so that completing each part of the task provides a sense of accomplishment.3

1 National Institute of Mental Health

2 National Institute of Health

3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

4 Federal Drug Administration

Products to Research

Rowe Casa Organics Focus Support

$17.60 with discount | For your first Rowe Casa Organics order, use discount code “JUSTTHEINSERTS” for 20% off.

Crafted from carefully selected ingredients and completely alcohol free, this potent formulation is completely safe and natural. This natural concentration supplement comprises pure elements known to enhance cognitive function and attentiveness. Made in the USA, it carries a blend of trusted ingredients such as, organic avocado oil and pure-grade therapeutic essential oils such as, cedarwood, lavender, frankincense, lemon, ylang ylang, rosemary, peppermint, and vetiver. Avocado oil is a monounsaturated fat that helps minimize an individual’s risk for cognitive decline. Similarly the other components of plant-based focus supplement increase focus and optimize brain health.

The result of extensive research and testing, Focus Drops will boost oxygen supply and circulation to the brain, enhancing clarity, concentration, and memory. It can also help support those with short attention spans.

Perfect Supplements Probiotic

$44.99 with discount | “JUSTTHEINSERTS” for 10% off

In addition to researching the effect of food dyes, sugar, gluten, dairy, and processed foods on the gut, also research a non-GMO, preservative-free, and no added sugar probiotic.

Most other probiotic formulas will market that the more strains the better, and they put together a probiotic -soup- of random strains that may or may not be beneficial or even survive when ingested. The Just Thrive Research team knows this probiotic soup is simply not necessary and, in fact, having a dozen strains can actually hinder the effectiveness of a probiotic. If you look at any high quality, prescription probiotic, you won’t find one with more than 2-3 strains

The four strains of Just Thrive are:

1. Bacillus Subtilis HU58- Produces antibiotics that fight harmful bacteria and Nattokinase which has been shown to support healthy blood pressure, support healthy cholesterol levels and support healthy circulation.

2. Bacillus Clausii- Supports a healthy flora and works against damages and infections during the use of antibiotics.

3. Bacillus Coagulans- Supports anti-inflammatory systems, aids in digestion and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria.

4. Bacillus Indicus HU36- Previously only available through prescription, a patented strain of spore forming bacterium that produces high levels of powerful antioxidants such as Lycopene, Lutein, Astaxanthin, Zeaxanthin and Beta-Carotene. Along with these crucial antioxidants, Bacillus HU36 also produces essential vitamins B and K2.

Dr. Green Life Kids Chewable Probiotic (Age 2 and Up) “JTI” for 10% off

Kids Chewable Probiotic is a potent high CFU and hypo-allergenic blend of 8 carefully selected species to safely meet the needs of the developing neurological and immune systems in children. † REFRIGERATE UPON ARRIVAL.

  • Kids Chewable Probiotic is a great-tasting, hypo-allergenic blend of eight carefully selected species of good bacteria to safely support developing neurological, digestive, and immune systems in children.
  • Free from gluten, dairy, and soy
  • Physician Formulated, cGMP, Third Party Tested

Dr. Green Life Keepin’ the Peace Kava (Adolescents and Adults)

Keepin’ The Peace Kava (For Adolescents & Adults)by Dr. Green Mom is a potent, emotional limbic brain tonic to calm, elevate mood, enhance enjoyment through the senses, and support REM sleep.

  • Emotional support in a bottle? Keepin’ The Peace Kava is there to help reign in emotions, reduce reactivity, and smooth frazzled nerves for the maintenance of inner peace, no matter what kind of chaos the day holds
  • Keepin’ The Peace Kava can be used to support a sense of calm and balance through temporary periods of increased stress and tension
  • Though it is non-sedating and can be taken any time of day, when taken before bed Kava is relaxing and promotes sound, rejuvenating sleep
  • Physician Formulated, cGMP, Third Party Tested
  • Alcohol Free, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, Kosher

Note: The FDA requires that all kava supplements must come with a warning that there is a rare potential for liver concerns when taking kava. For this reason, kava should not be combined with alcohol or other hepatotoxic substances.

Rowe Casa Organics Vitality Energy Support

$28.80 with discount | For your first Rowe Casa Organics order, use discount code “JUSTTHEINSERTS” for 20% off.

Boost your energy, focus, and daily performance by giving your body this energy supporting tonic!

If you regularly feel physically or mentally sluggish, this powerhouse energy blend can give your body the nutrients and fuel it needs to not only survive but also thrive. Instead of stressing out your adrenals from high amounts of caffeine, try supporting your body the natural way!

⚠️ Please Note: If you are pregnant or have heart disease, diabetes, or glaucoma, use caution when adding guarana to your diet.

Dr. Green Life Adrenal & Focus™ (Adolescents & Adults)

Adrenal & Focus (For Adolescents & Adults)by Dr. Green Mom is a potent, Attention-Enhancing formulation, gentle enough for everyday use. 

  • Provides grounded, lasting energy without jitteriness or crashes 
  • Enhances calm, clear focus and provides temporary relief from occasional brain fog
  • Especially helpful when the normal stresses of day-to-day life have you feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, impatient, and/or scatter-brained 
  • Physician Formulated, cGMP, Third Party Tested
  • Alcohol Free, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, Kosher

Rowe Casa Organics Anxiety Relief

$17.60 with discount | For your first Rowe Casa Organics order, use discount code “JUSTTHEINSERTS” for 20% off.

Unwind at the end of the day or take the edge off of stress with this potent oil blend full of relaxing oils.

Dr. Green Life Organic Peace & Calm (For Kids)

Organic Peace & Calm for Kids is a potent, calming formulation, gentle enough for everyday use. 

  • Organic Peace & Calm is our most calming herbal supplement for kids. 
  • It provides calming support to help kids through big feelings, and stressful situations like flights, trips, performances, changes in routine, or doctors’ visits.
  • Helpful for winding down at the end of the day, especially when overstimulated, restless, or hyperactive. 
  • Physician Formulated, cGMP, Third Party Tested
  • Alcohol Free, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, Kosher

Rowe Casa Organics Tart Cherry Sleep Support

$21.60 with discount | For your first Rowe Casa Organics order, use discount code “JUSTTHEINSERTS” for 20% off.

As opposed to over the counter sleep-inducing drugs that are composed of harmful chemical components, the Tart Cherry Sleep Support tonic is all natural, made with organic ingredients and doesn’t lead to any side effects. It can help regulate your sleep cycles in a safe, natural, and effective manner.

The use of tart cherry for sleep support may not be as popular, but is just as effective. No matter what schedule you have planned for the next day – whether it is running errands, back-to-back work meetings, a business lunch, a trail hike or simply a fun-filled day at the mall – you can enjoy better quality sleep that relaxes and rejuvenates with our Tart Cherry Sleep Support aid so you can make the most of your productive, action-packed day ahead. Apart from regulation of sleep cycles, it also supports weight loss, inflammation reduction, heart health, and muscle recovery.

Besides tart cherry for sleep improvement, this tonic has another powerful ingredient that is world renowned for its sleep-enhancing properties – chamomile extract. And of course this leverages all 100% organic elements and extracts to craft our all-natural remedies.

Rowe Casa Organics Magnesium Gel

$20 with discount | For your first Rowe Casa Organics order, use discount code “JUSTTHEINSERTS” for 20% off.

Rowe Casa Magnesium Gel combines magnesium oil with calming essential oils in a light gel base. This Magnesium Gel can promote sleep, relieve anxiety, and soothe aching muscles.

Magnesium is essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies. Magnesium deficiency can cause migraines, sleepless nights, fatigue, leg cramps, and muscle soreness. The most effective way to replenish magnesium without digestive issues is through skin absorption, so our specially formulated gel is the perfect solution!

Also available in a spray + cream.

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